What should you be looking out for when searching for exterior house painters in Singapore for your landed homes.
What are the key questions you need to ask the painter to qualify them before making your decision to select us to do the painting works for your exterior walls?
Here are some points to consider before making your choice.
- Are we a licensed or registered painting company in Singapore. This is important because when it comes to painting works, there are plenty of freelancer out there who are not registered or insured. Exterior painting focus a lot on safety procedures. Without the right safety training and insurance, it can be a huge problem when it comes to doing painting works for your exterior.
- Are we familiar with the right procedures for painting exterior. Exterior painting can only be provided with a warranty not just by the painter, it needs to be provided with a warranty from the paint manufacturer. Skipping a step or using low quality paint or different brand mixing it together will immediately void the warranty of the paint works.
- Are we familiar with the different brands for painting exterior and their functions. Different brand fulfill different functions based on the current conditions of the wall and why you want a exterior painting done. Without knowing what brand or which product solves your problem, you will be wasting money on a paint job that doesn’t last.
- Are we familiar with the different height access to carry out the painting works: When painting exterior, it is essential to do it safely and professionally. Using what type of height access will manage the safety portion as well as the cost to get your place painted. having a good understanding on what to use will be very important in getting the paint job done.
Above are 4 points that you will want to check with your painter before making a decision if they can provide you with the best exterior house painting service for your property.
If you are looking for a exterior house painter using different brand of paint for exterior painting:
Nippon Paint www.painting.com.sg
Dulux Paint www.paintingsolutions.com.sg
Raffles Paint www.paint.com.sg